Saturday, October 25, 2008

...remember my name, FAME.

In just this week, I got to know that 2 of my friends got a shot at fame (without the fortune unfortunately).

I have to mention them in my blog. If not, how else can I be associated with the "famous"? I do know of schoolmates and others who achieved national stardom but I wasn't really close to them. These two recent starlets are friends who I do chat, dine and well, occasionally do something else together with.

I'll give you a short personal introduction here. To read about their moment of fame, please visit their sites. Promise?

Ok... here we go...

Give a round of applause to... Chan Kok Fai.
Kok Fai is an old friend whom I got to know since ??? I really do not remember. He went through difficult times this year but still manage to remain cheerful. Must be all the coffee messing with his system. I'm happy that his passion for coffee becomes fruitful (an appropriate term since they are berries, not beans, right?) Read about him being cyberspotted here. After reading the article, I actually googled "coffee malaysia" and ta-da!

Now join me in standing ovation for... Sharon Tan Li Li.
Sharon and I met in university. We were coursemates as well as hostel mates. At one point we were even office mates. I'm proud that she has achieved so much in her love for photography. She shoots great photos (at least it's great in my unprofessional eyes). She even had a public exhibition of her photos this year (truly regret that I couldn't see that). This time round, she gets 2 seconds of fame appearing in a MTV. Watch it here.

I know I do have a number of friends who appeared in the media before, especially on newspaper. Hey, even my dad's face appeared in the Star Metro for winning a karaoke competition. I had my share of "fame" too. All in the past...


Anonymous said...

Hey, no wonder you are my good friend. I love berries.

Just as there wouldn't be Cliff Richard without Elvis Presley...

There wouldn't be without

Where would I be in the blogsphere without you?

Anonymous said... berry sweet