Sunday, November 12, 2006

...why men say women deserve it.

There goes another outrageous remark again. I do wonder whether these guys are saying it just to get publicity and attention, albeit notoriously.

Plainly speaking, women do NOT want to be raped, molested or sexually harassed.

Full stop.

When something goes wrong, the first thing men will blame is the women. It doesn't matter if the act itself is wrong. It doesn't matter that social ills have become rampant. It doesn't matter if the bigger issue is not focused on. I think it's all about "jaga muka" for the men. The big three letter word, EGO.

If a decent short skirt below the knee is deemed sexy, what else constitute sexiness? Aiyoh, her shapely legs is traced when she wear jeans. Oops, her ankle is showing beneath her long skirt. Naughty, you revealed your wrist to men. Oh no, the nape of your neck makes men swoon. Maybe the law should define sexiness in women and make all citizens (and visitors) memorise the statutes regarding it.

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