Tuesday, August 22, 2006

...the married berry.

Who? Who got married? Who had a baby?

I heard kwazy berry got married and had a baby! Is that true?

kwazy berry: No, it's not true!

Rumours had been going around that kwazy berry has a baby girl.

kwazy berry: What? Hey, I’m still single and available!!

O.k. stop laughing. I know it sounds funny to you. It completely ruined my reputation. How am I’m gonna attract guys if they think I’m off the shelf?

What brought this on? Yep, it’s that lovely picture of kwazy berry holding her little baby niece.

Key word: Niece, i.e. sister’s daughter

Several people did message me to ask the question and clarify. But I never thought that some people had presumed without asking for the truth.

I know. It's so natural to assume so coz I'm pass the marriageable age and I put on weight and people my age are having babies.

Here's showing what happens when we see or hear things but not verify the facts. That's how rumours start. This is the danger of just knowing little bits and believing them blindly. So I say, don't believe everything you read or hear. Judge for yourself. Ask the direct source. Assume but not presume. Give the benefit of doubt. Sometimes, what you think is a trusted source may not be all that right too.

Well, to save my reputation and put myself back on game, I've changed the picture. And that too, people will comment. They are just jealous because they can't find a cuter picture of themselves. Hah!

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