Monday, April 23, 2007

...any volunteers to interpret my dream.

i remember blogging about the topic of dreams before. and here i am again doing so. i guess it's kind of fun to find out how people will interpret my dream and what meaning they will glean from it. well, i'm not a good interepreter and my dream is not logical, as usual. somehow what each one of us will perceive from it depends on our current emotional situation and the circumstances at that particular time. ok, let's not waste more time. here it is, in summarised form and as far as my memory goes...

last night, i dreamt i needed to cross country borders. what separated both countries is a river. actually, the country i wanted to cross over seem more of an island. i needed to take a boat across. at first i couldn't see the pathway to the jetty. so i slid down to the river bank to check it out. at the river bank, there was some kind of instrument (resembling an inverted cone, something like one would see along the road, just turn it upside down). i wondered what it was but something else distracted me. i saw an official looking guy, whom i presumed would be the person i can ask information from. so i proceeded to walk back upwards, away from the river bank. after a few steps, suddenly a crocodile pop out of the river. i was so shocked. it seemed to want to take a bite off my leg. incredulously, i felt its expression of regret that it surfaced a bit too late and missed its juicy meal out of me. it then dipped itself back into the river. i was rooted to the spot out of shock and i was thankful that i had moved away just in time. then, i saw another official looking guy (different from the first guy but same kind of uniform) pushing the inverted cone into place. and i could suddenly read the words written on it, beware of crocodiles. quickly, i scrambled up the river bank. while on the way up, i spotted the pathway leading to the jetty. i felt a huge relief that i found the way and it didn't involve going back to the river bank.

that's not the end of my dream. but that was the most interesting part. eeriely, this morning, when i so happen to have time to flip through the newspapers before going to work, i read a news item about a child eaten by a crocodile at a holiday resort in china. no relation but it prompted me to think about my dream.

so, what do you see, oh intepreter of dreams?


Ebbs said...

Lots of theories about dreams. I personally believe that it reflects our current emotional state. What you feel or suppressed especially when you are conscious, will find its way to reveal itself in dreams. You should ask yourself what these dream means to you? ;)

ev said...

hehehe...sounds very much like a counsellor/psychologist!!! ebbs is putting her knowledge to good use.

i've got an 'interpretation' of your dream but give me a bit more time, kinda busy at work to put it all down :)

kwazy berry said...

ev, i can't wait for your interpretation. coz that counsellor/psychologist doesn't seem to be helping much with her "professional non-commital" advice. hahahaha...

ev said...

lol...did someone tell u to post comments??

re your dream: it was just something tht popped into my head when i was reading the post the first time around. not sure where those thots came from though. goes like this...

the other country/island is a place/destination/goal you want to reach but you're uncertain how to quite get there so you try to find your way there.

as you try to find your way to your destination, you may walk into harm's way. yet the grace of God is with you; He is watching over you, protecting you from harm and guiding you the way you should go.

-- the end --

not sure what the psychologist/counsellor will interpret from my interpretation! hahaha... ;)