Thursday, March 11, 2004

...what it takes to be a writer.

To write a book that can sell is not as easy as it seems. It gotta be different and yet identifiable to the readers.

Dreams lay as dreams
We once thought of publishing a book where each one of us contributes a short chapter. No action talk only. Is it so difficult to pen down all the ideas that we oft throw at each other? Apparently so.

Life's story
Write a story about your life. "That's boring!" Hey, a good writer can take a normal life and make it interesting. Coz the secret lies in how you write it. The approach and the style are all that matters. "Really?"

Waiting for the juices of creativity to flow
Maybe we are all trying too hard to be different that we end up being typical. Either that or it's just excuses, excuses, excuses and excuses. Juices cannot flow until you squeeze the fruit. Have we even "try"? Nah...

So, who's going to take up the challenge?
Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz...